This comic is the collaborative project of Guillaume Bonnet (aka ZazB) and Eve Bolt. Due to the busy nature of our spare time, it updates when we manage to get a bit done, therefore its schedule is inconsistent. Sorry about that.
You can check or follow the comic’s twitter account to stay up-to-date with the updates!
Where to find our stuff
Zazb – twitter | devianArt | tumblr | instagram
Eve Bolt – twitter | instagram
Proof Reader : Monkey #4
Website help : RageBarrage
Fonts used : handmade typography for the banner, DigitalStrip for the comic
Technical tidbits
Chapter 1 is made in part traditionally (thumbnails, roughs, inks) and in part digitally (colors, type.) Tools of the trade include lotsa paper, light blue and blue Col-Erase pencils, various inking pens, a printer/scanner, a small Cintiq tablet and Photoshop.
Following chapters are still made with a mix of traditional and digital tools. Thumbnails and inks are still made traditionally, while roughs, colors and type are made digitally.
Oh, and lots of sweat, tears and love 🙂