The comic is nine years old!
Wow, nine years. Sure doesn’t feel like it! And we are just about to end Chapter 10, which is also the end of the story.
(For now anyway 😉)
Thank you so much for tagging along for this ride, it’s been really fun! 🥰
Thank you for all your hard work, this story and art is truly a gem! I think i’ve been reading for 5 of those years, and i’ll be sad to see it go.
PS: I want that outfit, it looks so comfortable /and/ opulent
Thank you for sharing your story with us!
Stretching it out to get 10 chapters in 10 years would be symmetrical. Not suggesting it.
Congratulations!!! You have spun such a wonderful story and thank you so much for sharing it with us over these past nine years.
A truly impressive achievement! It IS a beautiful way to end the story … but it seems to lead to a very open ending that I can’t help but feel curious and eager to learn about what happens next! 🙂
I just love Thief of Tales.
Congratulations! Thank you so, so much for sharing this beautiful story with us! I see chapters 1-2 are printed and in the shop; are there plans for all 10 chapters to be printed?
Thank you so much! 😀
Yes, we plan on printing the full comic. We are not sure in which format though; more smaller volumes or less bigger ones?