You just make one little innocent move without really thinking about it … and … well, something just like that happens! Things shatter, squish, crash, crumble, spill, spoil – catastrophically, apocalyptically.
While, my name doesn’t rhyme with Butterfingers – but somehow I still feel kinship with the little fellow. By the way, I love the identical expressions in the first panel.
Ok. I can relate to that. Far too well!
You just make one little innocent move without really thinking about it … and … well, something just like that happens! Things shatter, squish, crash, crumble, spill, spoil – catastrophically, apocalyptically.
My deepest sympathy for Butterfingers Bean.
Hahaha! XD Yes!
I love Butterfingers Bean, it suits him well XD
While, my name doesn’t rhyme with Butterfingers – but somehow I still feel kinship with the little fellow.
By the way, I love the identical expressions in the first panel. 
I love the details on the rocks in these panels. Nevhna’s sketches are so cute!