Five years anniversary!
The comic is five years old! Well, technically, it’s one year old since we started posting it a February 29th… but anyway! Thank you so much for your continued support and for reading the comic! It means a lot to us!
P.S. Chapter 7 is progressing well! ZazB has started drawing and coloring pages 🙂
Five month of absence !
We’re so sorry! But it’ll be back very very soon! (Next Monday!)
Whoot! Whoot! Congratulations! Looking forward to the next chapter! 😀
Thanks for the update
A bit late but.. .CONGRATULATIONS!! 😀 Thief of Tales has been a joy to read & I’m looking forward to reading more!!
Thank you so much!! 🙂 We should be able to start posting new pages soon, we’re excited 😀
I recall following a comic called The Thief of Tales and remember it coming to a halt/hiatus. I typically keep track of the various comics by book marking each comic. I got to the particular book mark for TToT and discovered that I had no idea where I was.
I did what I usually I do in such cases; I started over at the beginning. As it happened, I didn’t recall any of the beginning. So, I’m wondering if it’s just my poor memory or if the comic was rewritten to a greater or lessor extent. I still think that this is a very good comic, it has a very believable protagonist.
Hi! Sorry for the very late reply!
The comic hasn’t been rewritten, we just often go on hiatus when we finish a chapter and are still working on the next one 🙂