Uhm … … … …
There aren’t that many male human-like characters in Thief of Tales … still tricky. Prince Gwenael … after long years spent getting tanned in a desert, with a beard, new hair colour … and contact lenses. I’m guessing ‘no’.
His dad … after drinking a rejuvenation potion and finding peace and tranquility?
The forest-killing-king … after getting resurrected and THEN finding peace and tranquility? Well, that dude did have a beard in the right colour …
So … I’m going with … Sir Thorne … in a very good Halloween costume?
The only other possibility I can think of would be a Nevhna’s thief / minstrel companion, but that guy had slightly darker hair. Sir Thorne it is!
Khurrhahn isn’t the only one who’s confused. Toss up between the prince and Elouan. Blond hair can darken over time but dark hair can also lighten. And the last panel mentioned years have passed so could be either one. I guess we’ll just have to wait till next week to find out!
I was thinking about this little puzzle while I was writing my previous comment … and I’m getting convinced that this guy … probably … IS Nevhna’s old friend. The hair colours might not match completely, but that can be explained away. Anyway, it looks pretty close and the rest fits – including that we have not seen him for quite a while … even before the time skip.
While I did at first suspect that it could be the prince, he simply doesn’t fit. Mystery Man looks nothing like him (and lacks his pretty distinctive blue eyes).
I might have been joking a little about Sir Thorne. Then again … did we ever see him in a human costume (well apart from his armour)?
Uhm … … … …
There aren’t that many male human-like characters in Thief of Tales … still tricky. Prince Gwenael … after long years spent getting tanned in a desert, with a beard, new hair colour … and contact lenses. I’m guessing ‘no’.
His dad … after drinking a rejuvenation potion and finding peace and tranquility?
The forest-killing-king … after getting resurrected and THEN finding peace and tranquility? Well, that dude did have a beard in the right colour …
So … I’m going with … Sir Thorne … in a very good Halloween costume?
The only other possibility I can think of would be a Nevhna’s thief / minstrel companion, but that guy had slightly darker hair. Sir Thorne it is!
Khurrhahn isn’t the only one who’s confused. Toss up between the prince and Elouan. Blond hair can darken over time but dark hair can also lighten. And the last panel mentioned years have passed so could be either one. I guess we’ll just have to wait till next week to find out!
Since we’re tossing out theories, I have another: This gentleman is an entirely new character who is visiting someone we already know!
I was thinking about this little puzzle while I was writing my previous comment … and I’m getting convinced that this guy … probably … IS Nevhna’s old friend. The hair colours might not match completely, but that can be explained away. Anyway, it looks pretty close and the rest fits – including that we have not seen him for quite a while … even before the time skip.
While I did at first suspect that it could be the prince, he simply doesn’t fit. Mystery Man looks nothing like him (and lacks his pretty distinctive blue eyes).
I might have been joking a little about Sir Thorne. Then again … did we ever see him in a human costume (well apart from his armour)?